California Wage Orders: What They Are and Why Employers Should Care
The California Industrial Welfare Commission has 17 wage orders that apply to different employers based on their industry or occupation.
The California Industrial Welfare Commission has 17 wage orders that apply to different employers based on their industry or occupation.
California Supreme Court Adds New Employer Obligations for Meal and Rest Breaks A unanimous California Supreme Court decision in Naranjo
Cal/OSHA Releases Revised Draft Regulation to Apply to General Industry Cal/OSHA’s workplace violence regulations currently apply only to the HealthCare
Microsoft Aims to Enhance Workplace Culture and Employee Relationships Microsoft recently announced its new changes and investments aimed at further
Your pregnancy is one of life’s milestones that’s supposed to be a highlight in your life. An employer’s gender-based discrimination,
Are you a victim of gender discrimination or, do you know someone who is and need some help? We urge
When you see the phrase “equal opportunity employer” or “EOE” employer, it is important to know what the words mean.
Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Meredith Marks is holding costar Jennie Nguyen accountable for racially insensitive social media
Los Angeles has one of the biggest garment industries in the United States. At a time where fast fashion is