5 Ways to Combat Fear of Workplace Retaliation - Manneliasem
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5 Ways to Combat Fear of Workplace Retaliation

5 Ways to Combat Fear of Workplace Retaliation

One of the leading reasons behind an employee’s hesitance to file a complaint is fear of retaliation at work. Unfortunately, in most situations, fear is completely justified. With retaliation claims being significantly higher than any other type of claim, it is no surprise that employees are anxious about what might happen if they address their concerns. Although you are protected under law, there is no guarantee that your job and careers will remain unimpacted.

Fear: The Real Role It Plays in The Office
At work, when feelings of anxiety and fears surge within you one would expect it to occur in response to company culture, work relationships, or projects. Fear pertaining to retaliation is a sign of misconduct in the office – meaning your concerns may not be resolved with just one internal investigation.

Similarly, an employer may use fear tactics and intimidation to prevent you from speaking up about their misconduct. Most workers are actually unaware of their legal options, which is why we recommend retaining a Los Angeles labor attorney for employees. In the end, having much needed support at work will make a difference in your ability to report. Read on for five helpful tips to conquer your fear.

Recommend an Ethics Program
Employers are expected to establish a safe environment, where employees can raise concerns without worrying about losing their job. However, when faced with the difficulty of not being able to confide in your boss, you can recommend that your company implements an ethics program. In doing so, managers and employers will have a firm understanding of discriminatory, biased, and unlawful behaviors. An effective program has positive consequences and may drastically reduce the number of allegations.

Increase Awareness on Employee Protection Against Retaliation
As an employee, you should have a general understanding of how federal and state laws protect your rights concerning retaliation. If you are hesitant to report an incident, an employment retaliation attorney in Los Angeles will support you in the process to ease the burden.

Have a Familiarity With Different Types of Work Retaliation
Are you familiar with different types of work retaliation? If not, you should be. Workplace retaliation can come in several forms and can be hard to recognize when it is happening to you. A few examples of retaliation are:

  • Negative reviews on performance
  • Changes in wage
  • Getting fired
  • Verbal and physical abuse

Having a better understanding of retaliation may encourage other employees to speak up about their employers’ unlawful acts. Any violation of your rights should be reported immediately.

Stick to Your Company’s Policy
Reporting your boss can be overwhelming, but you have a strong chance of getting a positive outcome with an attorney for retaliation on your side. Moving forward with your decision to hold an employer accountable is a big step. As such, it is okay to ask for legal assistance when you are facing it head-on. Make sure to follow your company’s policy when you report to HR, as it allows them to respond properly without delay.  

Reach Out for Support
Always reach out for support to combat work-induced anxiety, whether it is a friend, family member, co-worker, or attorney. They can help to offset a lot of the emotions associated with retaliation and related consequences. Overcoming your fear is the first step, and a necessary one for many employees regardless of how your employer reacts in the end.

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